
A 3D Multiplayer Python IDE and Desktop Environment

Included Python Libraries

black -> isort -> ssort -> ruff -> pyright-> pytest
fast-autocomplete, rapidfuzz,
panda3d, renderpipeline, ursina,
xarray, numpy, pandas, h5py, pytensor, cupy(awaiting update), cupy_xarray(awaiting update),
scipy, opencv, scikit-learn, sympy, mpmath, sagemath-standard, pymc, py4j,
astropy, pint, unyt, softposit, pendulum, more-itertools, plumbum, cmdix, dill, limeade, hy, vllm(awaiting CUDA Windows fix),
fastapi, uvicorn[standard],
datashader, bokeh, matplotlib, seaborn,

Included CLI Tools

  • Everything and ES CLI
  • FZF
  • Pandoc
  • Julia
  • WinPython: Not intended for use with StarcelPy - IDLE, IPython QT Console, Jupyter, Pyzo, QT, Spyder, VS Code

Panda3D can be installed from

Run the program with python render_pipeline\samples\Starcel\