
pass props only to input on InputControl

hom3mad3 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to pass in a background color to the input, how can I make sure only the input receives it? bg="white"

const inputProps = {
    bg: "white"

<InputControl {...inputProps} />

You should actually pass it like this

InputControl name="firstName" label="First Name" inputProps={{bg: "red"}}/>

or like this

const inputProps = {
    bg: "white"
InputControl name="firstName" label="First Name" inputProps={inputProps}/>

or maybe even this

const props = { inputProps : {
    bg: "white"
  } };
InputControl name="firstName" label="First Name" {...props}/>

But when I tried passing background or color props as I said, It didn't work. So I should check out why.
Will look into this tomorrow.

Hello again,
You can check 1.4.6, I updated devDependicies. If it is not working can you try to update your chakra-ui dependencies.