
Running microproxy behind a reverse proxy

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Really enjoying the look of this proxy - trying to get it set up on my home docker host, but I'm struggling.

I run traefik as an SSL termination proxy, and I'm trying to run microproxy behind it, so the connection to the proxy is over https.

For some reason with this setup, when trying to access any http:// url, I get a 404. When accessing any https:// url, I get curl: (56) Proxy CONNECT aborted.

My current thought is that this is an X-Forwarded-Proto issue and the proxy thinks something odd is going on (which, i guess, it is).

I don't suppose you have any ideas / could help with any debugging of this? I believe the problem is likely going to be the same with any reverse SSL terminating proxy.

I'm going to try to get traefik to forward to a debug session on my local machine instead of the compiled binary, but that could be a few days from now.



Another thought - this could be a general reverse proxy problem. I need to investigate this more - maybe it's some extra stacking of the X-Forwarded-For that's playing up?

Finally (sorry for the spam), I'm running this from my own fork, in docker.

I've abandoned this, as I ended up shaving a yak, and have switched to using sslh to put my openvpn server on the same port as my webserver.