
Multiple Tab Issue

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Breadcrumb not working correctly if we use multiple tabs.
A->B->C (one tab)
A->B->D (try to open another tab) it will show bread crumb (A->B->C->D) which is wrong,

Is there any fix?

I'll have to try this out and see what maybe the problem is. Have you identified the area in the code? It must be something in state management. You're welcome to fix and do a pull request if you like.

Similar issue.

Step 1, Tab 1:
A -> B -> C

Step 2, Tab 2:

Step 3, Tab 1:
Refresh and the Breadcrumbs change from "A -> B -> C" to "A -> C"

Similar issue. I think the problem is that all tabs are using the same session id, so we have a single states collection shared by all tabs. Any action in one tab will be added to the same breadcrumb stack displayed in other tabs.

Is there a fix for this issue?