
Reaper error

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ERROR [2023-11-22 09:31:30,267] [main] i.c.ReaperApplication - Storage is not ready yet, trying again to connect shortly...
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [/] Channel has been closed))

please let me know how to fix this for reaper application.

You connection settings to the cluster that will store Reaper's data seem to be incorrect.
Please check that you're pointing to the right contact points and in the right DC.

You connection settings to the cluster that will store Reaper's data seem to be incorrect. Please check that you're pointing to the right contact points and in the right DC.

we are using the Red hat OpenShift container for Cassandra db and used the host IP of one of the pods of Cassandra cluster as contact points in the .yml file of reaper in static way but still we are getting the above error in log file when we start running the container. After giving the existing host ip in the .yml file, it's showing No host available exception. We have also tried by using the pod IP in the .yml file in static way but got the same error as above. Please let me know is there any proper way to mention the contact points so that it will be resolved? I have followed the reaper documentation to run the reaper as cassandra backend.

Please let me know if there is any additional information is required to you to understand this and help.