
[mfront] Make the changes to issue #540 (fixed in #541) available in the last version 4.2.*.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As indicated in the title, we would like to have a version rliv-4.2.* of MFront that takes into account the changes made to ticket #540.

So that we can integrate this version into the future version 2024 of Cast3M, which is currently being finalised.

Yours faithfully

@OlivierFandeur, no problem. This will be next week, to leave time to test the new version on Windows and Linux.
Is there a way to provide Cast3M's compilers for those plateforms ?

Here are the compiler versions for version 2024:

  • For Linux, gcc 13.2 compiler

  • For Windows,more specifically, gcc-13.2.0- x86_64-posix-seh-llvm-18.1.1-mingw-w64msvcrt-11.0.1-r6 (downloadable from here)

  • For MAC, standalone gcc-13.2.0 (install with xPack)