
Why not use java desugaring lib for using java8 date time on API < 26

iamarjun opened this issue · 4 comments

Why not use java desugaring lib for using java8 date time on API < 26

any work around for this. I am using api 21 in my project.

@alirazazoofy you can try my fork if you rely on java.time API for 21, basically what I did was I added desugarding to the 'com.github.thellmund.Android-Week-View:jsr310 enabling me to downgrade to 21 for my use case. @thellmund what do you think of my approach, is there a better way to do it, till now I don't seem to find any problems with my fork

Hi @iamarjun ✌️ Looks like a solid idea to me, so I’m adding core-library desugaring in the jsr310 module now.

thank you very much. @iamarjun @thellmund