
Instagram Bot to automate commenting, liking and following other users

Primary LanguagePython

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Instagram Bot to automate commenting, liking and following other users.

While I was still learning Python, I was a bit skeptical whether writing code in Python is more efficient than in Java, as people always used to say. And the answer was yes!!

I started writing the code at 9 PM on the Sunday night, given I had no prior experience with Selenium (of course I learnt Selenium while writing this bot), I was able to get the bot properly working and finally slept at 1 AM :)


  1. clone the Project and go to the cloned directory

    git clone <project_url_here>
    cd InstaBot
  2. Create the virtual environment

    virtualenv -p python3 InstaBotVenv
  3. Activate the virtual environment

    source InstaBotVenv/bin/activate
  4. Install required dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Download appropriate selenium driver for your browser

  6. Extract the driver from zip file and copy it to InstaBotVenv/bin directory

  7. Add your username and password in InstaBot/src/instabot/main.py file

  8. Run the project

    python src/instabot/main.py