
ExampleSite error: render of "email" failed

MarAlder opened this issue · 0 comments


I'm running in this error when building/serving the exampleSite with Hugo 0.120.1 on Windows, running the quick-start example. Any idea what goes wrong here?

>> hugo new site quickstart
>> cd quickstart
>> git init
>> git clone .\themes\timer-hugo
>> cd .\themes\timer-hugo\exampleSite\
>> hugo server --themesDir ../..
Watching for changes in [...]\quickstart\themes\timer-hugo\{archetypes,assets,exampleSite,layouts,static}
Watching for config changes in [...]\quickstart\themes\timer-hugo\exampleSite\config.toml
Start building sites …
hugo v0.120.1-16fb2cae88eb6add7d12e9fbfcf01d8670e60a35+extended windows/amd64 BuildDate=2023-10-30T16:44:31Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

ERROR render of "section" failed: template: _internal/_default/rss.xml:3:9: executing "_internal/_default/rss.xml" at <site>: can't evaluate field email in type string
ERROR render of "term" failed: template: _internal/_default/rss.xml:3:9: executing "_internal/_default/rss.xml" at <site>: can't evaluate field email in type string
Built in 82 ms
Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages: render of "home" failed: template: _internal/_default/rss.xml:3:9: executing "_internal/_default/rss.xml" at <site>: can't evaluate field email in type string