
viewBox is removed from SVGs

samikeijonen opened this issue · 3 comments

viewBox should not be removed when running npm run build. viewBox is needed for consistent styling.

Just leaving the notice here, debug later.

m-e-h commented

Some others I've found useful

					plugins: [
						{ cleanupIDs: true },
						{ removeTitle: true },
						{ removeViewBox: false },
						{ removeAttrs: { attrs: "(fill|stroke)" } },
						{ addClassesToSVGElement: { className: "v-icon" } },
						{ removeUselessStrokeAndFill: true },
						{ cleanupNumericValues: { floatPrecision: 2 } },
						{ removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs: true },
						{ removeDimensions: true }

This should be correct in the latest.