
Feature request: prismjs

divyanshu013 opened this issue · 3 comments

Not sure how tricky it might be to generate a prismjs theme as well. Thanks.

Thanks for logging, @divyanshu013 ! Looking over the Prism docs and it doesn't seem like it would be very hard at all.

Using as a guide for the render() function, and as a foundation for the Prism CSS theme, the template JS file would end up something like this:

module.exports = {
  render: colors => Object.entries(colors).map(
    ([name, colorSet]) => Promise.resolve({
      name: `themer-prism-${name}.css`,
      contents: Buffer.from(`<Prism CSS theme here>`),

@divyanshu013 , would you have any interest in submitting a PR with the basic implementation? If not, I can try and take a look when I have time.

Thanks, I can take a look but not sure about how soon. Will send a PR if I can make it work :)

Thanks again, @divyanshu013 ! 🙌 themer-prism@1.0.0 has been released to npm and is now also available in the Web UI.