
Add theme creation for .Xresources

andradei opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be great to add support to create a theme for linux users of Xorg. The syntax is:

  • colors 0-7 are the normal/dark colors
  • colors 8-15 are the lighter/bright colors

(I didn't differentiate the bright from the dark colors hex codes in this example)

! general colors
*.foreground: #363f45
*.background: #fff
*.cursorColor: #363f45

! black + grey
*.color0: #0b141a
*.color8: #0b141a

! dark red + red
*.color1: #ff3033
*.color9: #ff4053

! dark green + green
*.color2: #0d8100
*.color10: #0d8100

! dark yellow + yellow
*.color3: #bf8c00
*.color11: #bf8c00

! dark blue + blue
*.color4: #0099ff
*.color12: #0099ff

! dark magenta + magenta
*.color5: #9854ff
*.color13: #9854ff

! dark cyan + cyan
*.color6: #00a5ab
*.color14: #00a5ab

! light grey + white
*.color7: #bbbbbb
*.color15: #bbbbbb

Working on this now.

@andradei / @Julioevm I just published @themer/xresources and it is deploying to the web UI right now. Give it a try and let me know what you think—I'm not an X user myself so don't hesitate to log an issue if it could be improved.

Here is some example output using themer's default color set.

Dark variant:

! general
*background: #282629
*foreground: #E0DCE0
*cursor: #CC78FA

! blacks
*color0: #656066
*color8: #847E85

! reds
*color1: #FF4050
*color9: #FF6673

! greens
*color2: #A4CC35
*color10: #B6D65D

! yellows
*color3: #FFD24A
*color11: #FFDA6E

! blues
*color4: #66BFFF
*color12: #85CBFF

! magentas
*color5: #F553BF
*color13: #F775CC

! cyans
*color6: #26C99E
*color14: #51D3B1

! whites
*color7: #E0DCE0
*color15: #FFFCFF

Light variant:

! general
*background: #FFFCFF
*foreground: #474247
*cursor: #BF65F0

! blacks
*color0: #474247
*color8: #656066

! reds
*color1: #F03E4D
*color9: #F36471

! greens
*color2: #97BD2D
*color10: #ACCA57

! yellows
*color3: #EEBA21
*color11: #F1C74D

! blues
*color4: #53A6E1
*color12: #75B7E7

! magentas
*color5: #EE4EB8
*color13: #F171C6

! cyans
*color6: #1FC598
*color14: #4CD0AD

! whites
*color7: #C1BCC2
*color15: #E0DCE0