
Module '"flowbite-svelte-icons"' has no exported member 'IconSolid'

JackNeto opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for this update even if it breaks a bunch of stuff.
I was trying the example Custom Default Icon from the docs and I get this error:

Module '"flowbite-svelte-icons"' has no exported member 'IconSolid'

I tried the exact code from the docs

Hmm, I'm getting the similar error importing any icon:

import { AngleLeftSolid } from 'flowbite-svelte-icons';

Module '"flowbite-svelte-icons"' has no exported member 'AngleLeftSolid'.ts(2305)

Using version flowbite-svelte-icons": "^0.4.4"

Mmmm. I'm not able to produce it.
I need more details.
Can you remove node_modules directory and pnpm-lock.yaml and install it again?

ok, that fixed it, thanks