Missing icons because current version is not synched with upstream version
ZaDarkSide opened this issue · 5 comments
Current version is not synched with upstream version, maybe a Github Action or some automated script can pull icons automatically so this is always up to date?
The missing icon for me was PieChartOutline
it's called chart-pie
on Flowbite Icons, others might be missing also because they update often.
Also naming is a bit wonky you could keep compatibility with old naming by creating aliases so people don't complain.
Please try the latest version.
It is there, https://flowbite-svelte-icons.vercel.app/outline.
You are right, I'm sorry but the name doesn't contains pie
will throw off anybody...was expecting either ChartPieOutline
or PieChartOutline
because the original has pie
in the name chart-pie
the naming is still wonky.
Naming of Flowbite-svelte-icons are from svg file names and please use https://flowbite-svelte-icons.vercel.app/ to find icons.
Flowbite-icon site uses different names.