BriefcaseOutline icon has wrong name
JackNeto opened this issue · 8 comments
The icon names are created from SVG file names. Flowbite-icon has different naming from file names.
I'm sorry @shinokada but, how is this completed?
The BriefcaseOutline
icon name is not only clearly wrong but it is also taking up another icon's name.
As I stated it before, all the icon names are from SVG file names. I use a script to automate all the icons to create svelte icon files. If you think the file name is not correct then please create an issue at
Ok, thank you for the clarification.
I filled a ticket: themesberg/flowbite-icons#32
On a side note, you can manage this repo as you wish but currently it is unusable due to all the broken icon names (even if it's not your fault) and as such the ticket should not be closed.
You can use the older version.
pnpm i -D flowbite-svelte-cions@0.4.5
It was a BREAKING change when the major version is released.
So it is up to users if you want to use the latest version.
And the latest version is nothing to do this issue, I'm afraid.
It was a BREAKING change when the major version is released.
How would anyone know this? You don't seem to have release notes.
That's right, semantic versioning doesn't require you to explain what breaks in the new release.
I'm just saying that it would be nice if you just gave everyone a heads up that the repo is unusable and we shouldn't waste our time installing it because a bunch of icons are named wrong.