
Missing ArrowDownSolid and ArrowDownOutline in 1.3.1

herohead049 opened this issue · 4 comments

I was using ArrowDownSolid from version 1.0.2 and then recently updated to version 1.3.1 and found that ArrowDownSolid and ArrowDownOutline is missing.

Please find the new names at
You can use the search function at the top.

I have checked it out and I do not see any icon that represents an ArrowDown. If you search for Arrow there is no ArrowDown. There is ArrowUp, ArrowRight, ArrowLeft but no ArrowDown. Looks like the last time it was there was version 1.03. I have had to revert back to version 1.0.3


If you can find it here,, then it should be there.
If you can't find it, create an issue at

Ok thanks. I have create an issue as instructed.