
Select component > Multiple selection bug

MaxR522 opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
I saw in the documentation CSS select that add the multiple attribute to the select component to allow users to select one or more options. However, the problem is that the component no longer looks like a select, and it doesn't allow multiple selections. I tested the multiple selection within my project, and the result is the same with what's documented


Expected behavior
I saw this multiple selection in flowbite svelte and it looks pretty cool :)


Desktop (please complete the following information):

@MaxR522 The Multiple options works if you press Ctrl and click on the options individually or press Shift to select several options at once.

The Select component is indeed not styled... I also found this issue about the styling request #818 (comment)

BUT...The MultiSelect components in Flowbite Svelte is buggy.

  1. The Clear all button only works after clicking twice.
  2. The selected option in the selection list is not cleared after the option has been removed from the input field.

I have found these issues that someone has also noticed:
themesberg/flowbite-svelte#1321 (comment)
themesberg/flowbite-svelte#1320 (comment)

@MaxR522 The Multiple options works if you press Ctrl and click on the options individually or press Shift to select several options at once.

The Select component is indeed not styled... I also found this issue about the styling request #818 (comment)

BUT...The MultiSelect components in Flowbite Svelte is buggy.

  1. The Clear all button only works after clicking twice.
  2. The selected option in the selection list is not cleared after the option has been removed from the input field.

I have found these issues that someone has also noticed: themesberg/flowbite-svelte#1321 (comment) and themesberg/flowbite-svelte#1320 (comment)

Thanks for your answer! If there is already an issue open for the style, I will close this

@MaxR522 maybe you can reopen this? Althouth the multiselect close event issue has been fixed (themesberg/flowbite-svelte#1322 (comment)), but the expected style you mentioned in this issue is not implemented yet, but in flowbite-svelte
It would be nice to have that style in the main flowbite library!