
Backdrop not hiding when hide() function is call

AzPogoDev opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
When I click on my hide() function the modal is hidding, but i steal show the backdrop

I've had this issue before with the backdrop not hiding. I fixed the issue by changing the z-index value, but it may be different in your case (not sure as you didn't provide the minimal code).

It may be related to #858 (comment) and may be resolved by #859 (comment)

Should be fixed via this 6a61009. Will be added to the next NPM release in a couple of days. Thanks!

@zoltanszogyenyi Hasn't release yet? I have the same issue in npm v2.4.1 :(

Hey @JungleHH,

In what context of a framework are you using it?


oh! Thanks for your response so quickly!@zoltanszogyenyi
I use vite + vue3.
The latest version has solve it? If i should wait for the next release?

It is my fault.
I call modal.hide() in v-for tags and forget to set attribute data-modal-target.
