
Fonts are not properly loaded

DeoThemes opened this issue · 4 comments

Issue description:

I'm having difficulties loading fonts properly. Every time, it's either loading a different weight or a different family.
For example: in customizer, I select Montserrat 700 for buttons, but on the front-end I'm getting only font-weight property.


Version used:


Code to reproduce the issue (config + field(s))

$heading_font = 'Montserrat';

// Buttons typography
Kirki::add_field( 'nokke_settings_config', array(
	'type'        => 'typography',
	'settings'    => 'nokke_settings_buttons_typography',
	'label'       => esc_html__( 'Buttons', 'nokke' ),
	'section'     => 'nokke_settings_typography',
	'default'     => array(
		'font-family'    => $heading_font,
		'variant'		 => '700',
		'letter-spacing' => 'normal',
		'text-transform' => 'none'
	'choices'  => nokke_add_custom_choice(),
	'output' => array(
			'element' => $selectors['buttons'],
			'element' => '.wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link',
			'context' => array( 'editor' ),			
	'transport' => 'auto',

Is there any update on this? There is also an issue with the Outfit font, it's simply not loading and the folder outfit in the fonts directory does not exist.

Hi @DeoThemes,

can you share the nokke_add_custom_choice() with me?


Also, what's in your nokke_settings_config?


Kirki::add_config( 'nokke_settings_config', array(
	'capability'    => 'edit_theme_options',
	'option_type'   => 'theme_mod',
	'option_name'   => 'nokke_settings_config'
) );

This is used as a filter to add custom fonts from Adobe Typekit:

function nokke_add_custom_choice() {
	return array(
		'fonts' => apply_filters( 'nokke_kirki_font_choices', array() ),
		'variant' => array( 'regular', 'italic' )