
BillClin is a command-line BillPin clone for the CLI. For geeks that like their shared billing to be reliable.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BillClin is a command-line BillPin clone for geeks that like their shared billing to be reliable.

The way it works is pretty simple: one input file (the history), one output (the current debt/credit state).


  1. Write and maintain a history file (specs below).
  2. python billpin.py HISTORYFILE.
  3. Read output to know the current credit/debt status.


Depends on xtermcolor for color management.

The history file

The history file is a YAML formatted file that contains details of the various transactions. It is designed to be easily readable, flexible, yet formal.

Example: Alex has spent 15 $, shared between himself, Barbara and Charlie, for a sushi dinner. Later Barbara shared a taxi with Alex and she paid 20$.

- description: Sushi Dinner
  payer: Alex
  date: 16/07/2014
  amount: 15
    - Alex
    - Barbara
    - Charlie
- description: Taxi
  payer: Barbara
  date: 16/07/2014
  amount: 20
    - Alex
    - Barbara

The BillClin output for this history file will be:

Alex owes Barbara 5.00
Charlie owes Alex 5.00

Unevenly shared bills

You have the possibility to share bills unevenly, by specifying a weight for one or more people in the history file.

For example, at the next Spanish tapas dinner, Barbara is bringing her boyfriend Dan, and will offer him a dinner. Therefore, she would pay two quotes. Dan won't appear in the list of people, as he is not involved in the billing.

- description: Spanish tapas
  payer: Alex
  date: 24/07/2014
  amount: 50
    - Alex
    - Barbara: 2
    - Charlie

Alex and Charlie are implicited given a weight of 1, by default.

The weight mechanism can be used also to indicate the exact amount spent by everyone. For instance, we could rewrite the last example as follows:

- description: Spanish tapas
  payer: Alex
  date: 24/07/2014
  amount: 50
    - Alex: 12.50
    - Barbara: 25
    - Charlie: 12.50

Note that BillClin neither checks nor requires that weights total and the amount are the same. Every weight will be treated as a relative weight, w.r.t. the weights indicated for the other people.


  • You need to ensure that that each person has a unique name in the same history file.
  • The fields payer, amount and people are required. BillClin will raise an error if you forgot one, it will skip that transaction and proceed as if it had not seen it.
  • The fields date and description are not required, but it's a good thing that you keep history neat. BillClin will raise a warning in case you just forgot or mispelled a field.


The library was created because BillPin had a serious history/totals inconsistency bug and they ignored emails/tweets reporting the issue. Hence, we needed a reliable yet simple alternative that by design doesn't make inconsistencies possible.

Possible improvements

  • Minimize number of transaction / amount of money exchanged.
  • Merge of multiple history files, with deduplication of transactions.
  • Helper script to append bills to the history file.
  • Support for multiple currencies.
  • Output coloring.