
Window Title Bar Height

stevensonmt opened this issue · 3 comments

Was very excited to try and apply custom colors to Arc themes for xfwm. It has worked out well with one big issue (pun intended). The height of the window title bar is massive. This might be related to issue mentioned in #52 regarding the double border width inside the window that does not include the titlebar.
First screenshot is with Numix window theme and second with the oomox-generated window theme. The oomox-generated theme is applied to system generally. Possibly related to size of other elements as illustrated in third screenshot showing massive radio buttons. Something weird with the sliders in that shot that is probably unrelated.

it looks like you checked in GTK+2 pseudo-hidpi when you were exporting the theme

however even on hidpi setup that variant of theme is not working well yet, so i'll remove that option from export window of Arc theme until gtk+2 pseudo hidpi variant will be finished

This issue was moved to themix-project/themix-gui#156