Look into CCLS for better C experience (completions, signature help etc.)
themkat opened this issue · 0 comments
I'm getting old it seems, and have gotten too used to modern functionality provided by lsp-mode. lsp-mode supports CCLS:
This seems to be a more convenient experience than my current company-c-headers and company-clang setup, which is rather bare bones (and make me feel less productive than my other setups). As I understand it, it provides completions, signature help, documentation hovers (probably special formatted comments), call hierarchies etc. The downside is that it requires some upfront running og stuff to make a compilation database. I have to look into if this works for projects with Devkitpro and similar.
- bear did nothing for a standard DevkitARM project. Emtpy compile_commands.json :( Seems to have problems with more complex make-files
- compiledb worked! generates a nice compile_commands.json file for DevkitArm!
Conclusion so far would be to use compiledb for make based systems, but use CMakes built in stuff for CMake projects. (where it is more convenient to use cmake like rpi pico stuff)