
Error with the vendor path on the migration command from installation

vitorarjol opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @themsaid! First of all thank you for this great package!

I was setting up my blog app and every time I was executing the wink:migrate command it skipped the migrations, went directly to the seeder and than failed.

I also tried to run directly the artisan migrate --path vendor/**writingink**/wink/src/Migrations, and the result was "nothing to migrate".

After some debugging, I saw that the path used is referencing to writingink, but in my vendor fold this package it's in the themsaid folder. After changing this path everything worked out just fine. Is this setting correct? I can send a PR to update this if it's really a bug,


What version of Wink are you running?

Just checked, and for some reason I'm on version 0.2.0.

Did a fresh install of laravel 7 and after that followed the readme composer require themsaid/wink.

Certainly that's the issue. I'll look further to see if I can find any issues with composer or cache. Closing this for now.

Thank you!