
Session table issue with Laravel 8 + Jetstream

mukarramkhalid opened this issue · 6 comments


I installed Laravel 8 with Jetstream which uses default database session driver out of the box.

It creates a sessions table having user_id column with type BigInt.

As soon as I login to, I get the following error.

SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 Data truncated for column 'user_id' at row 1 (SQL: update `sessions` set `payload` = YTo0OntzOjY6Il90b2tlbiI7c..., `user_id` = 3f5c4ff0-3923-4ebb-ad4d-3cca3fabb9fb, `ip_address` =, `user_agent` = Mozilla/5.0 where `id` = ksqEGwiSy4qq8vmbhc9rnXTBL9cMZYPs4VJpCjYj)

Which makes sense because user_id column in sessions table doesn't support id from authors table.

Is this package not supported with Jetstream/Fortify yet, or am I missing something?


Workaround: In your .env file change the session driver to SESSION_DRIVER=file

Workaround: Change user_id column type as varchar


I installed Laravel 8 with Jetstream which uses default database session driver out of the box.

It creates a sessions table having user_id column with type BigInt.

As soon as I login to, I get the following error.

SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 Data truncated for column 'user_id' at row 1 (SQL: update `sessions` set `payload` = YTo0OntzOjY6Il90b2tlbiI7c..., `user_id` = 3f5c4ff0-3923-4ebb-ad4d-3cca3fabb9fb, `ip_address` =, `user_agent` = Mozilla/5.0 where `id` = ksqEGwiSy4qq8vmbhc9rnXTBL9cMZYPs4VJpCjYj)

Which makes sense because user_id column in sessions table doesn't support id from authors table.

Is this package not supported with Jetstream/Fortify yet, or am I missing something?


Im having the exact same Issue. The work around Dominik Geimer mentioned worked for me. hopefully package is brought inline for Laravel 8.. I love the package

Im having the exact same Issue. I changed user_id column type as varchar

in my case, i'm having this error E11000 duplicate key error collection: mongodb.sessions index: id_1 dup key: { id: "zIUMn9kLsakFOdS2fakKqiEgLQhnmctAATfR6NdQ" } when i try to get the register page, i'm using MongoDB as database,
i will so gratefull if someone can help me

Why is this issue closed? Is project still alive?