
wink:migrate does not work

clarg18 opened this issue · 0 comments

When I run wink migrate I get:

nothing to be migrate
And then an database error about missing tables.

I followed the readme and edited the .env, ran wink:install etc.

My composer.json tells me I am running version 1.2

I checked the source files for the migrate commant and I found this:

        $this->call('migrate', [
            '--database' => config('wink.database_connection'),
            '--path' => 'vendor/themsaid/wink/src/Migrations',
            '--force' => $this->option('force') ?? true,

But when I checked the directory structure I am assuming this should be vendor/writingink/wink/src/Migrations which does exist. I have no themsaid directory.

I changed this manually and the migration worked.