
Preview Post

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What set up is required to make 'Preview Post' return a preview of the post. From a pretty vanilla install I'm receiving a "404 — Post not found" even after publishing the post. Do you need to provide a view for a specific route for this to work?

in your Wink Config theres a section to define it

| Wink Post Preview Path
| Wink uses this path to display a preview link in the editor. While
| building the link tag, the {postSlug} placeholder will be replaced
| by the actual post slug.

'preview_path' => '/{postSlug}',

'editor' => [`

where you have /{postSlug i had to change mine to blog/{postSlug}

that gives you the preview.

Ah! Thanks @skino2019, that pointed me in the right direction.
Then in the show method I should make sure I'm not filtering by live posts.