
Help Needed - usemap and map not working inside.

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HI Team,
I need help on using usemap and map with area tags inside flex-slider directive.
example code:

    <flex-slider slide="img in carouselImages track by" animation="slide" control-nav="false" move="1" pause-on-hover="true">
        <a ng-href="{{img.destination_url}}">
          <img data-ng-src="{{img['image'].path}}"  usemap="#{{img['image'].id}}"> 
          <map name="{{img['image'].id}}">        
          <area shape="rect" ng-repeat="part in imageCoord" coords="{{part.coordinates}}" id="{{}}"  ng-href="{{part.destination_url}}" target="{{part.target_blank}}">

Does not show the pinned points in the image. How do I fix it?