
Pariser-Parr dictionary

Closed this issue · 5 comments

  1. When we build Pariser-Parr dictionary, we assume user provides connectivity matrix as ('atomx, 'atomy', 'Rxy'). Where $R_{xy}$ is a distance between atoms x and y.

  2. To compute hopping term $\beta_{xy}$ we need to compute overlap between orbitals $S_{xy}$:
    $$\beta_{X Y}=1.75 S_{X Y} \frac{\alpha_X+\alpha_Y}{2}$$

Problem: computation of $S_{xy}$ depends, among other parameters, on type of orbitals:

@PaulWAyers what do you think is the best way from API perspective to choose the type of overlap-computations?

Perhaps have an option for the overlap calculation, where the user can specify s or p; then we can indicate in the documentation what these keywords mean, specifically.

A more advanced option would be to support passing a string (here s or p) or a function, whereby the user passes their own overlap function. That would add a lot of flexibility, since basically the any overlap function could be used. (Under the hood, the keyword arguments would just call the code with the function as specified here.)

What do you think?

What if instead of the passing a function, we let user pass the overlap matrix for directly? Such approach will provide the same flexibility, but eliminates a problem of restricting formatting for the function that user provides

That's a good idea. We can provide some utilities for constructing the overlap matrix and then pass it.

Just a summary of the workflow for me and @giovanni-br

We need to differentiate computations of overlap between orbitals depending on whether it's 1s-1s or 2p-2p orbitals.

Input format:

User provides connectivity in the form of [("C1", "C2", 0.5, "pi"), ("C2", "O3(2)", 0.7, "sigma")] where:

  • First two elements are atoms that are connected
    Atom itself composed of:
    • Atom symbol: string
    • Atom number: float
    • Atom type: (float) -- number in parenthesis
      It may look cumbersome to specify number of an atom, but it's necessary if user wants to specify connectivity that is more complex then linear chains.
  • Third element is a distance between atoms. float data type
  • Forth element is a type of overlap. string data type; allowed values are "sigma", "pi"

Aside of connectivity, user can provide:

  • atomic dictionary that corresponds to $\alpha$ values
  • bond dictionary that corresponds to $\beta_{XY}$ values
  • overlap matrix $S_{XY}$ that corresponds to the orbital overlap between atoms X, Y;


  • if atomic dictionary isn't provided, we need to use values from the paper as $\alpha = -I_X$, where $I_X$ is ionization potential.
  • if bond dictionary isn't provided, user can provide overlap matrix $S_{XY}$.
    In this case we need to compute $\beta_{XY}$ as

$$ \beta_{X Y}=1.75 S_{X Y} \frac{\alpha_X+\alpha_Y}{2} $$

  • if $S_{XY}$ isn't provide, we need to compute overlap $S_{XY}$ by parsing types of orbitals binding (sigma or pi). Here, we need to check whether user provides forth parameter. Otherwise yield an error. Once $S_{XY}$ is computed, use formula above to compute $\beta_{XY}$

Output format:

Array that represents one-body term. On the diagonal: $\alpha$ values, non diagonal values are calculated using the formula above.

Code structure

We need to make a function that resembles file that builds one-body term. Functions in the file:

  1. build_one_body; returns one-body term and resembles function in file
  2. compute_U; returns array of potential, computed from Pariser-Parr approximation as

$$ \bar{U}_{X Y}=\frac{1}{2}\left(U_X+U_Y\right) $$

  1. compute_gamma; returns gamma from Pariser-Parr approximation as


  1. Change check of building the one body term based on either Rauk or Pariser Parr approximation inside the so it doesn't depend on number of parameters inside the connectivity list
        # check if elements in connectivity matrix are integer
        connectivity = [("C1", "C2", 0.5, "pi"), ("C2", "C3", 0.5, "sigma")]
        elif np.all([isinstance(elem[3], int) for elem in self.connectivity]):
            one_body_term = assign_rauk_parameters(
        # check if elements in connectivity matrix are float
        elif np.all([isinstance(elem[3], float) for elem in self.connectivity]):
            one_body_term = compute_param_dist_overlap(

Stylistics changes

  • Change function name from compute_param_dist_overlap to compute_overlap. This will make code more succinct

Long Run:

  • Implement utilities for computing overlap between different types of orbitals

Two body term

Computing u_onsite

Function name: compute_U in the rauk module,

  1. For the computation of potential on each site, if user didn't provide u_onsite (u_onsite is None) or affinity_dct is None, then function pull information about binding affinity from the Json file. It should also know (or read) atom_dct
  2. Computation of u_onsite is done by $U_X = \alpha_X - A_X$

Computing gamma

Function name: compute_gamma in the rauk module,

  1. For the computation of $\gamma_{XY}$ if gamma is None we need to call compute_U to evaluate $U_x$. Then, we can use the following formula: