
Activate pre-commit on GitHub

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We currently have only activated on a selection of repositories. Would you like ModelHamiltonian to be included in that list?

@PaulWAyers We may just activate it for all repositories, but I'm not sure if that is desirable?

I seem to recall that there was an issue having it activated for everything, perhaps the data repository was problematic. I think that @RichRick1 or @marco-2023 would remember.

@RichRick1 can at least tell if it should be activated on this one. I am fine having it activated everywhere (as long as it doesn't break things) as I prefer having a universal QC-Devs workflow/environment.

Yes, I remembered correctly. pre-commit doesn't work for the atomdb database repository.
I think it probably works for other repositories OK.

Oh, yes, I remember. I'll take care of it.

@tovrstra we have pre-commit yaml file in the repo. Contributors still need to install pre-commit using pip, but once it's done, everything is working fine

Thanks for taking care of this!

I've added this repo to the list that will get checked with This will be visible as an extra check in every new pull request and push to the main branch. If it doesn't show up, please, ping me.