
Build gamma from PariserParr module

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The idea is not to overload connectivity parameter in the __init__ method of HamPPP, but instead invoke PPP module to build $\gamma$ matrix directly, and then pass it to the HamPPP . This is very easy for user, and I feel like this is the way we will use it.

We already have a functionality to do this, since we initially separated Rauk in a stand-alone module for this reason. However, there are few changes in API that can make this much more user friendly and structured code-wise.


  • We need to rename function generate_connectivity_matrix from the file into parse_connectivity . It’s also a good idea to move it into the utils file, since it doesn’t relate to hamiltonians anymore.

      def parse_connectivity(system):
    	    Parse the connectivity of the system given as list of tuples.
    	    system: list
    			   list of tuples that specifies sites and bonds between them
                For example, for a linear chain of 4 sites, the connectivity
                can be specified as [(C1, C2, 1), (C2, C3, 1), (C3, C4, 1)]
    	    tuple: (list np.ndarray)
    		        First element is a list of atoms in the order they apperar in the attice, second element is matrix that corresponds to the either distance matrix, or adjacency matrix. 
  • The function above should be reused in both file and module. Specifically, function calculate_gamma in file should either get system as list of tuples, and then call parse_connectivity inside of it or directly gets distance matrix.

  • Move these lines into the file

  • Don't use the connectivity name here, instead use the adjacency parameter, that is either provided by user, or build during the initialization from connectivity. Note: connectivity is a list of tuples.

Once this is done, we can easily build $\gamma$ matrix using the PariserParr module such as:

system = [(C1, C2, 2.3), (C2, C3, 1.1), (C3,  C4, 1.5)]
gamma_1 = moha.rauk.PariserParr.calculate_gamma(system)

gamma_2 = moha.rauk.PariserParr.calculate_gamma(atom_lst = [C, C, C, C], R_xy = np.array([[0, 2.3, 0, 0],
                                                                                                                                                                    [2.3, 0, 1.1, 0],
                                                                                                                                                                    [0, 0, 1.5, 0]])
gamma_3 = moha.rauk.PariserParr.calculate_gamma(U_xy, R_xy)

This has been done