
Abbreviations for electrical distribution

Closed this issue · 7 comments

For distribution design, UK electrical engineers typically use PB (panelboard), DB (distribution board) and LV or HV for switchboards.

  1. Can we rationalise the selection of electrical panel abbreviations? Suggest DB, PB, LVSB and HVSB for the four main types of distribution equipment.
  2. Other distribution equipment:
    BB busbar
    BBTO busbar tap-off.
    PFC power factor correction equipment
    PFILT passive power quality filter
    AFILT active power quality filter
    ISOTXMR isolating transformer
    PCONV power converter (electronic voltage conversion, including inverters, rectifiers and dc-dc converters)
    ELISO isolator (cf ELSW for switch, already in BDNS. NB an isolator is distinct from a switch in that it is not necessarily specified to interrupt load current).
    ATSW automatic transfer switch
    FUSESW fuse-switch
    RCCB residual current circuit breaker (regional variation, GFCI)
    Note: there are many variations of circuit breaker in use to add description and for historic reasons, ACB, VCB, RCD, RCBO, MCB, etc. We could consolidate on the current abbreviation 'CB' or add the different types...
  3. Circuits and hence cables are often named after the 'source' switchboard. However, the 'source' may become ambiguous if there are ring circuits or multiple sources in a design and the cable is a bus or can transmit power in opposite directions. How to resolve how we identify circuits/cables?
  4. Can we support regional variations for electrical engineering, since the words vary markedly and so the abbreviations are not portable?

Thank you @adam4521 for your thoughts.
It would be great to have some time together in one of our next weekly meeting to progress this together, as it introduces a good number of changes to the previous abbreviations which were inspired by the electrical design practice in UK.
About point 3, we support the suffix to augment the label name with additional information, so the 'source' switchboard could be included this way.
About point 4, it would be good to come up with a plan for this. We could add a column about a locale for specific abbreviations.

hi there -

we did a review of the most common components for electrical distribution with the Head of Electrical Engineering at Max Fordham, and then compared it against the suggestions from @adam4521 above and what is already in the BDNS database

MXF suggestion adam4521 in BDNS description notes
MSP     main switch panel No main switch panel in BDNS but main panel/board and mains switchboard. (Are either of these close enough)
DB   DB distribution board  
PB     panel board BDNS has: distribution panel for itc equipment (ITPB) only
ISO ELISO   isolator (disconnector) isolator (cf ELSW for switch, already in BDNS. NB an isolator is distinct from a switch in that it is not necessarily specified to interrupt load current).
BB     busbar No Busbar in BDNS
RBB     rising busbar No Busbar in BDNS
BBTO     busbar tapoff No Busbar in BDNS
TX   TXMR transformer  
UPS   UPS uninterruptible power supply  
PFC   PFC power factory correction  
SPD     surge protection device Not in BDNS
IVT PCONV   invertor adam4521 suggests PCONV for power conversion. At MXF we would specify in more detail.
PVP   PVP photovoltaic PVP in BDNS is for photovoltaic panel
GEN   GEN generator In BDNS,  GEN for electricity generator, DG for diesel electricity generator, CSG clean steam generator
ATS ATSW ATS automatic transfer switch  
AHF AFILT AHF active harmonic filter  
  FUSESW DSCTF fuse-switch DSCTF is electric protective device - disconnect fuse in BDNS
  PFILT   passive power quality filter Not in BDNS
  ISOTXMR   isolating transformer Not in BDNS
RCCB RCCB   residual current circuit breaker (regional variation, GFCI) CB circuit breaker in BDNS
MCB     Miniature Circuit Breaker  
RCBO     Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current  
RCD     residual current device  

TXMR rather than TX for transformer irked the MXF electrical team - "extra letters for no good reason" being the feedback.

otherwise there was either:

  • good agreement between MXF requests and what is already in BDNS
  • nothing in BDNS that satisfies the MXF request (so hopefully it is a simple addition ? )

so to summarise, as a minimum MXF would require the following to be added to be able to successfully use it on active projects:

MXF suggestion description
MSP main switch panel
PB panel board
ISO isolator (disconnector)
BB busbar
RBB rising busbar
BBTO busbar tapoff
SPD surge protection device
IVT invertor
RCCB residual current circuit breaker (regional variation, GFCI)
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
RCBO Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current
RCD residual current device

(None of which already exist in the database)

whilst not all the abbreviations match with @adam4521 - if the above additions where added the only remaining suggestions from @adam4521 that aren't covered are PFILT, ISOTXMR.

Add different types of power converters individually

following todays meeting with @pisuke and @RitaLav it is suggested that the following are added:

suggestion description
MSP main switch panel
PB panel board
EISO electrical isolator (disconnector)
BB busbar
RBB rising busbar
BBTO busbar tapoff
SPD surge protection device
IVT invertor
REC rectifier
DCDC dc-dc converter
RCCB residual current circuit breaker (regional variation, GFCI)
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
RCBO Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current
RCD residual current device
PHF passive harmonic filter
EISOTX isolation transformer


  • ISO -> EISO denoting electrical and avoiding confusion with the ISO standards body
  • REC and DCDC added, picking up @adam4521 's suggestions for power conversion devices. therefore PCONV not required.
  • PHF added (matching AHF already in BDNS). this means PFILT not required.
  • ignoring FUSESW for now as DSCTF already in BDNS ???
  • added EISOTX for isolation transformer (ISOTXMR is too long, (2 - 6 chars))

this should pick up the requirements from Max Fordham and the comments from @adam4521
I'll wait til next week for comments and then make a pull request

Is RBB needed in addition to BB (could 'rising' be added in metadata)?

No other comments

the reason it is currently separate is because when specifying you need a different / distinct product for the rising busbar

RBB (rising busbar)

BB (busbar)

having separate abbreviations therefore makes the drawing clearer.

Addressed in #166