
Load fixture parameters

Opened this issue · 2 comments

akomm commented

It looks like you can do this:

    Given the following fixtures files are loaded:
      | parameters.yml  |
      | dummies_1.yml  |
      | dummies_2.yml  |


  param1: 'param 1 value'
  param2: 'param 2 value'

Two tiny issues here:

  1. Default bahavior when using just AliceBundle is that the parameters are automatically checked and loaded from fixtures path. Would it not make sense so that it behaves same here?
  2. Ability to load parameters via context that tells that fixtures are loading is not obvious, maybe an entry in would be useful?

Default bahavior when using just AliceBundle is that the parameters are automatically checked and loaded from fixtures path. Would it not make sense so that it behaves same here?

It is not the case?

Ability to load parameters via context that tells that fixtures are loading is not obvious, maybe an entry in would be useful?

I've actually never tried it neither had the need of it so that's why it's missing. Would be perfectly cool with adding it to the doc.

akomm commented

I'v just grabbed my fixtures to try out this extension from bundle's DataFixtures to features/fixtures, including parameters.yml and found that they were not loaded. It is possible I will not need them too after adjusting, but a note is still okay I guess.