
Failed to convert page when sub pages are double nested

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wjkw1 commented

Single nesting pages in the right panel is fine, however, when we have a double nesting I find we face conversion problems:

> > Nested Double Space
> > Nested Double Space v2
> Nested 2.2

Example image where error is thrown:


Error message:

### Nested 2.2 [Page]
Failed to convert page: test-Section-1\Nested-2.2. Reason: Failed to create directory '\': The path is not of a legal form.
Convert-OneNotePage : Failed to convert page: test-Section-1\Nested-2.2. Reason: Failed to create directory '\': The path is not of a legal form.
At C:\{REDACTED PATH}\ConvertOneNote2MarkDown-v2.ps1:1247 char:254
+ ... onConfigs | Convert-OneNotePage -OneNoteConnection $OneNote -Config $ ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Convert-OneNotePage

@wjkw1 could u post the output of your $PSVersionTable, and post the logs when running with -Verbose E.g. .ConvertOneNote2MarkDown-v2.ps1 -Verbose?

This does seem like a bug in the determination of the directories to create. It could be that your powershell version is < 5.1, which somehow doesn't play nice with [io.path]::combine().

i believe this might also be due to the support for long path names #90 which might not be supported on older Windows, e.g. < Windows 10.

I will roll out a quick fix, where if any absolute path falls within its limit, the short path i.e. C:\path\to will be preferred, and if the path exceeds its limit, the long path will be used i.e. \\?\C:\path\to which assumes the user has enabled long path support, or the script will throw errors about failing to create those paths.

@wjkw1 ive managed to reproduce the bug, this is unrelated to #90. i will rollout a fix.

Hey @wjkw1, thanks the bug report. The fix is rolled out in the latest release v2.15.1. I did a conversion of a notebook with your structure and no longer get the error. Please try it out and let me know it's its working.

wjkw1 commented

@leojonathanoh Thanks for the swift response. I'm glad you were able to reproduce and found a fix.

I just tested the script and I can confirm that the fix corrected the issue I was having.

Awesome work!!

glad it worked, im actually in the process of converting many notebooks, i just haven't run in to any notebook that has an arrangement of pages like in #97, but it was just a matter of time.