
Ads postroll

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Hi !
I'm trying to add ads on videojs player.
I've no problem with preroll ads but I didn't found some doc about post-roll with this plugin.
It's possible or not ?
If is yes can you help me :) and if is not can you help me too :)

Thx !

Postroll has been added only in 0.3.0 version of videojs-contrib-ads. This plugin supports only 0.2.0 as for now so no post-roll options. You might check #45 PR. It might bring post-roll support but not sure it was tested.

Apparently now vast plugin works with 0.5.0, any news to use post roll?

Any news on post-roll support?

+1 for post-rolls

+1 dammit

+1, postrolls please pleaseplease :)

I'm using Projekktor instead, this project isn't going anywhere and it's buggy as hell.

Now post-roll is possible or not??




From comment
I think you can deliver postroll if you use a VMAP configration of the ads, example of a VMAP containing pre, mid and post roll ads:

I have tested with

But I have the error
damdy-videojs.vast.min.js?v=1.2.0-0.0.1-0.0.4-1.3.1-3.3.5-1.0.9&_=1546852352019:11 [videojs-vast-vpaid] AD ERROR: VAST Error: on VASTClient.getVASTAd.validateVASTTree, no Ad in VAST tree

I removed my comment because I realized that this isn't the plugin I thought it was, it possibly doesn't support VMAP at all, hence the error you get :(

why not try the IMA SDK plugin? It has a wide range of support, including VMAP