
It is dropping my vast tag ..

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The problem is i am using google DFP vast it is working fine in. other player and working in this plugin as well but after playing add 2 3 times it shows this error in my console .

D ERROR: VAST Error: on VASTClient.getVASTAd.validateVASTTree, no Ad in VAST tree VASTErrorcode: 303message: "VAST Error: on VASTClient.getVASTAd.validateVASTTree, no Ad in VAST tree"stack: (...)__proto__: Error at Object.23 ( at s ( at at Object.33.../../utils/dom ( at s ( at at Object.30.../../utils/utilityFunctions ( at s ( at at Object.18.../../utils/utilityFunctions ( "VAST Error"stack: (...)get stack: stack()set stack: stack()__proto__: Object Array[0]

i dont know why is that tag is working fine everywhere .

My dfp tag is[referrer_url]&description_url=[description_url]&correlator=[timestamp]

did you find any solution?

Same issue here, but I get an earlier error, too

script.js Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeChild' of null
    at initVideo (<anonymous>:78:24)
    at startAd (<anonymous>:24:5)
    at <anonymous>:1:1

Line 78: videoContainer.removeChild(sdkVideoPlayer);

VideoContainer: videoContainer = document.getElementById("video-container"); which is null

Maybe this will help someone...