
Defining a new %property inside %group which lies within a %hook

Nosskirneh opened this issue · 2 comments


So I just stumbled upon this bug:

%hook ClassToBeHooked
%property (nonatomic, retain) MyClass *baseProperty;

- (void)methodThatAlwaysShouldBeHooked {

%group ConditionalGroup
%property (nonatomic, retain) MyClass *conditionalProperty;

- (void)conditionalMethod {

    self.conditionalProperty = ...


%ctor {
        if ([%c(ClassToBeHooked) instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(conditionalMethod:)])

This does not work. It computes error messages when building.

==> Compiling Tweak.xm (arm64)…
Tweak.xm:157:917: error: use of undeclared identifier '_logos_class$ConditionalGroup$ClassToBeHooked'; did you mean '_logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked'?
  ..._typeEncoding); } { char _typeEncoding[1024]; sprintf(_typeEncoding, "%s@:", @encode(SAViewController *)); class_addMethod(_logos_class$ConditionalGroup$ClassToBeHooked, @selector(conditionalProperty), (IMP)&_logos_m...
Tweak.xm:157:16: note: '_logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked' declared here
        {Class _logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked = objc_getClass("ClassToBeHooked"); MSHookMessageEx(_logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked, @selector(grabberTongueWillPresent:), (IMP)&_logos_method$_ungrouped...
Tweak.xm:157:1164: error: use of undeclared identifier '_logos_class$ConditionalGroup$ClassToBeHooked'; did you mean '_logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked'?
  ..._typeEncoding); sprintf(_typeEncoding, "v@:%s", @encode(SAViewController *)); class_addMethod(_logos_class$ConditionalGroup$ClassToBeHooked, @selector(setConditionalProperty:), (IMP)&_logos_method$ConditionalGroup$Cl...
Tweak.xm:157:16: note: '_logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked' declared here
        {Class _logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked = objc_getClass("ClassToBeHooked"); MSHookMessageEx(_logos_class$_ungrouped$ClassToBeHooked, @selector(grabberTongueWillPresent:), (IMP)&_logos_method$_ungrouped...
2 errors generated.

It can be solved by putting the %property in the original %hook'ed section and not within the conditional group.

This is not the proper usage of %group. You're not meant to put %groups within %hooks. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

(Logos structure is such that %group contains %hooks and %hookfs, not the other way around)

Fair enough. I haven't dug through the documentation to be honest, but it always was possible to write

%hook ClassToBeHooked
%group SomeiOSVersion
- (void)someMethodA {

%group SomeOtheriOSVersion
- (void)someMethodB {

which is shorter than having to do

%group SomeiOSVersion
%hook ClassToBeHooked
- (void)someMethodA {

%group SomeOtheriOSVersion
%hook ClassToBeHooked
- (void)someMethodB {

which was the reason I thought it was the desired behavior.