
%config(generator=Internal) does not work but using `internal` does

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Sample Tweak.xm:


%hook Foo
- (void)bar {
    [super bar];

Running Tweak.xm > Tweak.m yields:

Goto undefined subroutine &main:: at /opt/theos/vendor/logos/bin/lib/Logos/Generator/ line 33.

I tried to debug the relevant line

Edit: so, apparently the proper value is internal with a lowercase i and not Internal. Would be nice if we supported either since MobileSubstrate is capitalized

The initial config-name sanity check is case-insensitive, but an unexpected capitalization leads to a vague error further down in the processing.

config name: random123
output: could not find or check module 'Logos::Generator::random123::Generator' [THIS MAY BE A PROBLEM!]

config name: iNternal
output: Goto undefined subroutine &main`