
Clean command must also clean the MySQL and Postgres databases

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The clean command must remove all existing databases from MySQL and Postgres (except for the system databases).

For example when I run show databases on MySQL.

| Database           |
| information_schema |
| Acclaimed          |
| Agism              |
| Airlifts           |
| Alexander          |
| Alkalis            |
| Amidst             |
| Annotates          |
| Apes               |
| Applaud            |
| Appraised          |
| Aqueduct           |
| Asoka              |
| Asperger           |
| Barreling          |
| Bawling            |
| Blaming            |
| Bloodbath          |
| Bouffant           |
| Bragged            |
| Brinks             |
| Bummer             |
| Bumpiest           |
| Burbling           |
| Cablecast          |
| Calamity           |
| Cane               |
| Carapace           |
| Carrier            |
| Catalysis          |
| Chirico            |
| Choppers           |
| Clinical           |
| Clothed            |
| Coachmen           |
| Cohesion           |
| Colors             |
| Condoes            |
| Contrives          |
| Corduroys          |
| Coverall           |
| Curtseys           |
| Cypriot            |
| Damage             |
| Darning            |
| Deeming            |
| Definable          |
| Deviance           |
| Diabetics          |
| Difficult          |
| Dilution           |
| Dishwater          |
| Dismaying          |
| Doubter            |
| Dreams             |
| Driver             |
| Drunkard           |
| Duelists           |
| Dusk               |
| Elena              |
| Enact              |
| Enlivens           |
| Ensnares           |
| Epicurus           |
| Erick              |
| Erupts             |
| Evens              |
| Exam               |
| Exchequer          |
| Expedient          |
| Expedites          |
| Expel              |
| Expensive          |
| Facials            |
| Fanatic            |
| Felicity           |
| Festive            |
| Fireworks          |
| Fisherman          |
| Fringe             |
| Frumpiest          |
| Fuchsias           |
| Funnily            |
| Furiously          |
| Gable              |
| Galilean           |
| Gates              |
| Ghettoes           |
| Ginseng            |
| Girded             |
| Glad               |
| Glitch             |
| Glottis            |
| Godot              |
| Goobers            |
| Gore               |
| Grazing            |
| Grille             |
| Grungier           |
| Gyp                |
| Hallmarks          |
| Handouts           |
| Harrowing          |
| Hoffman            |
| Homonym            |
| Humberto           |
| Ice                |
| Immensely          |
| Impeding           |
| Implants           |
| Insisted           |
| Isinglass          |
| Jauntier           |
| Jeweled            |
| Jilt               |
| Knifed             |
| Lanka              |
| Larcenous          |
| Lattice            |
| Laymen             |
| Legalese           |
| Lenard             |
| Liege              |
| Lindy              |
| Linnet             |
| Liquifies          |
| Lists              |
| Looping            |
| Lopes              |
| Loving             |
| Methought          |
| Midday             |
| Mixed              |
| Moniker            |
| Mortise            |
| Nebraskan          |
| Nicknamed          |
| Nocturne           |
| Nominees           |
| Novelle            |
| Now                |
| Nuanced            |
| Nurses             |
| Nuzzle             |
| Opponents          |
| Originate          |
| Outlast            |
| Overdraws          |
| Palmists           |
| Panacea            |
| Panniers           |
| Pat                |
| Pearliest          |
| Peritonea          |
| Pertness           |
| Perverted          |
| Pettiest           |
| Pillaging          |
| Pitchfork          |
| Pits               |
| Pneumatic          |
| Potted             |
| Prattles           |
| Prayed             |
| Precious           |
| Present            |
| Proteus            |
| Pulpy              |
| Putnam             |
| Rainbow            |
| Raised             |
| Reachable          |
| Reinforce          |
| Rejoining          |
| Rhodes             |
| Ricardo            |
| Riley              |
| Robotics           |
| Ronstadt           |
| Rushes             |
| Saner              |
| Savvy              |
| Scaffold           |
| Scalene            |
| Scrip              |
| Selves             |
| Sentiment          |
| Sepal              |
| Seventies          |
| Sexton             |
| Sharpest           |
| Showbiz            |
| Siestas            |
| Sightread          |
| Simulate           |
| Skewing            |
| Skitter            |
| Skittish           |
| Smokiness          |
| Solecism           |
| Sparklers          |
| Spelt              |
| Sporting           |
| Storybook          |
| Strainer           |
| Strays             |
| Succeed            |
| Suffuses           |
| Sundries           |
| Tabooing           |
| Target             |
| Titter             |
| Tom                |
| Twisted            |
| Unbinds            |
| Unhorses           |
| Vela               |
| Velour             |
| Verbals            |
| Visitor            |
| Wanamaker          |
| Wang               |
| Weekended          |
| Winnowing          |
| Woodcuts           |
| Zilch              |
| book               |
| books              |
| erp_progIITest     |
| listing            |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| proderp            |
| sys                |
234 rows in set (0.05 sec)