
Simple BMP viewer in OpenGL

Primary LanguageC


A simple program using OpenGL with GLAD and GLFW that displays a .bmp file inside a window.

This is mostly made as both a learning experience for OpenGL and parsing files, and a mini template OpenGL program.
This was made for the scop project for 42 school.

You are free to use anything from this repository for yourself.
OpenGL, GLAD and GLFW are not made by me, so check whether or not you can use them in your own project.


This program is command-line only. Usage is as follows:

$> make
$> ./bmp_view path_to_bmp_file

This will open a window and display the file in the window, unless any error happens.
This was developed and ONLY tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, so I offer no promise of portability to other platforms.
This program only supports bmp files that use the sRGB color space, with BGR/24-bit or BGRA/32-bit encoding.

By the way, the cat in the pic is mine. She's called Bianca and she's an asshole.