
Csv::addStreamFilter() - Unable to locate filter bug

rafaello104 opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report

Information Description
Version 9.8.0
PHP version 8.0.19
OS Platform Alpine Linux 3.14


Similar issue as described in #72

Using the CSV's library Csv::addStreamFilter() gives an error unable to locate filter whereas the fopen() and stream_filter_append() method works fine.

$reader = Reader::createFromPath($tempFile);

// This block below fails
if ($reader->supportsStreamFilterOnRead()) {

// This block below succeeds
$stream = fopen($tempFile, 'r');
$stream2 = stream_filter_append($stream, 'convert.iconv.ISO-8859-1.UTF-8//TRANSLIT', STREAM_FILTER_READ);

I have tried using this filter with the following modifications:

  • Using escaped slashes (%2F)
  • Using a slash (and escaped slash) instead of the period between the ISO & UTF formats
  • Removing the //TRANSLIT option
  • Changing the //TRANSLIT option to //IGNORE

Expected result

No errors

Actual result

  • unable to locate filter "convert.iconv.ISO-8859-1.UTF-8//TRANSLIT"
  • same result for all the other variants of the conversion string

@rafaello104 thanks for reporting the issue could you provide a simple reproducible script. The smaller the easiest for me to debug and fix the issue if it exists because I fail to reproduce it myself.

The described error should only occurs if the $path is not internally converted to a stream by the package.

@rafaello104 Was the type of the variable $stream2 from your example a resource? I could only recreate the behavior if I disable the iconv extension. In this case $stream2 was false for me. However, no error is thrown.

closing the issue until further information is given by its author