
Content on is inconsistent with Privacy Policy

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Content on is inconsistent with Privacy Policy

Actual behavior

Radix's Privacy Policy states,

"We will comply with the law & share any data necessary in the event of a subpoena, legal request or any other matter where the law dictates we share our information with the authorities."

We will comply with the law & share any data necessary in the event of a subpoena, legal request or any other matter where the law dictates we share our information with the authorities.

However, index.html in the root misleadingly claims,

"We will never share confidential or sensitive information with third parties, so you can rest assured that your valuable project infrastructure is in trustworthy hands."

<p class="mono">
We will never share confidential or sensitive information with third parties, so you can rest assured that your valuable project infrastructure is in trustworthy hands. Partners, sponsors, & information are treated with respect. The infrastructure we provide is entirely powered by open-source software, so you can see what's going on under the hood at any time.

Expected behavior

The statements in index.html should be consistent with the Privacy Policy.
Inserting phrases such as "Radix's Privacy Policy describes how Radix shares confidential or sensitive information with third parties" before the misleading claim could better emphasize that Radix takes privacy seriously.

Steps to reproduce

Browse and
Notice the inconsistent and misleading claim.
The archives are:

The claim "We will never share confidential or sensitive information with third parties" on is hardly justified. Regular publication of the transparency report and warrant canary would be beneficial.