
Multiple 1UP Presses in quick succession causes duplication on 1up site

tobias-g1 opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected behavior

No matter how many times you press the 1UP button on utopian for a users posts it should not appear more than once on the 1 up website.

Actual behavior

If you click the 1 up button multiple times in quick succession users posts will be repeated on the 1 up site and will have multiple vote count indicators shown on the post on utopian for a short period of time.

How to reproduce

A) Download steemplus from here:
B) Navigate to
C) Open steemplus by clicking the icon located in your extensions toolbar.
D) Complete the onboarding flow and sign in using steemconnect.
E) When you're signed in click on "options", ensure that 1up is set to active.
F) Close this popup by clicking away.
G) On Utopian locate a post which has not been voted for by any user previous for 1 up (It should have zero 1 upvotes). Note if you have 1 up installed you shouldn't use a post by a user you have already voted on today.
H) Ensure the post has not be voted on by a bot and that is has been accepted by utopian.
I) Go to and check the current posts, ensure your post is not on there (if it hasn't received any votes it should not show)
J) Now go back to utopian and on the post that you found which had no votes on 1up, hadn't been voted on by utopian and had been accepted click the 1up button 10-15 in quick succession.
K) A alert should appear indicating that you cannot vote more than once for that user.
L) Click through all the alerts.
M) When the last alert is clicked, the UI for the vote count indicator will show strange behavior repeating itself and blinking.
N) go back to and you will see the post you voted on appear more than once.

Browser: Google Chrome (Version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64-bit))
Operating system: MacOS HighSierra Version 10.13

Recording Of The Bug

A recording of bug can be found here:!/v/tobias-g/dwu6yqm7

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors