Failure to install driver on Android 10(Q) beta 3 OG Pixel XL
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I am unable to get the driver installed. I have the newest version of magisk installed and have tried both the legacy and XHiFI versions as well as trying another audio mod which also didn't work. On install, the script doesn't report any errors however upon reboot, opening the app prompts me to reinstall the driver. If I follow the prompts in the app to reinstall the driver upon next boot I am greeted with the same message saying there is no driver installed. After doing some research to see if anyone else has had this issue I came across some posts stating that it is an Selinux issue. I wasn't comfortable disabling selinux on my system so I haven't tried without it enabled but another app (AirAudio) that deals with system audio was also not working. I sent a logcat to the developer of that app and he confirmed that the issue with his app is new Selinux policy changes. I am more than happy to provided logcats however I am not sure at what point I should take them (install or opening app?)Also unsure with how to deal with taking logcats during boot.
The driver is installed properly but sepolicy could be the issue. Check out my troubleshooting guide here:
I have a section in it for sepolicy stuff. Never disable selinux but you can set it to permissive by just running su -c setenforce 0
in terminal. It'll last until reboot.
I'd need a full logcat after attempting to open v4a. I also encourage you to try the new v4a as this one has been limping along for far too long without any updates
Thank you so much for the response. I installed the new one with the same result however now it also complains about no busybox install even though I have the magisk busybox module installed. I attempted to open the app twice.
Can you remove all v4a's and then install only fx? I only keep Xhifi alive for older devices - it's been dead for a while now
Ah, for some reason I thought XHIFI was the new one. Installed with the same result as before. Also opened twice and tried following the on screen instructions to install driver for good measure.
Can you post the v4a magisk module folder and a full logcat?
Xhifi is a completely different app that was abandoned a long time ago. FX is the most current one. This repo is for original v4afx (2.3.4, 2.4, 2.5). New V4AFX is v2.7. Just to clear that up.
If you're using this v4afx legacy mod, then there are various workarounds in the installer that you'll need to try out on your own. For pixel xl, you'll probably want to say yes to lib workaround and kill audioserver workaround. That stuff is best for the xda support thread though as it's been mentioned many times and can be found with a simple search
Ah my apologies i didn't make it clear, i changed to V4AFX V2.7 and had the same results (no driver install). The logcat i posted above is of my attempts at running V4AFX V2.7 When you say a full logcat do you mean from boot? I will post the contents of my v4a magisk module soon.
So i just tried to post my VFX folder and I was unable to get it onto my computer to post. The folder I visited was sbin/.magisk/modules/ViPER4AndroidFX Everything in that folder seems fine. I don't have any V4AFX folders in user space. Also just for clarity so far I have tried all three versions of ViPer4Android (Viper4AndroidXHIFI, Viper4AndroidFX Legacy, and new ViPer4AndroidFX (V2.7)) each time experiencing driver installation issues.