
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/go-tool

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

go -- quick directory switching

Download the latest go packages from here:
    (archive) http://go-tool.googlecode.com/files/go-1.2.1.zip

Home            : http://trentm.com/projects/go/
License         : MIT (see LICENSE.txt)
Platforms       : Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix
Current Version : 1.2.1
Dev Status      : mature
Requirements    : Python >= 2.4 (http://www.activestate.com/ActivePython/)

What's new?

I have moved hosting of `go.py` from my [personal
pages](http://trentm.com/projects/) to the [go-tool Google Code
project](http://code.google.com/p/go-tool/).  See the [Change
Log](#changelog) below for more.

Why go?

`go` is a small command for changing directories quickly.
Typically you have a set of directories that you work in.  Typing out
the names of those dirs in full can be tedious.  `go` allows you to
give a shortcut name for a directory, say `ko` for
`D:\trentm\main\Apps\Komodo-devel`, and do the following:

    C:\> go ko


    C:\> go ko/test

Think of it as a super `cd`. 

`go` is free (MIT License).  Please send any feedback to [Trent
Mick](mailto:trentm@google's mail thing).

Install Notes

Download the latest (1) `go` source package, (2) unzip it, (3) run
`python setup.py install` in the unzipped directory, and (4) run
`python -m go` to setup the shell driver:

    unzip go-1.2.1.zip
    cd go-1.2.1
    python setup.py install
    python -m go   # to setup shell integration

Getting Started

The most common things you'll do with `go` are adding new shortcuts:

    [~/Library/Application Support/Komodo]$ go -a koappdata

listing the shortcuts you've created:

    [~]$ go --list
                        Go Shortcuts

    Default shortcuts:
      .                     .
      ..                    ..
      ...                   ../..
      tmp                   /tmp
      ~                     /Users/trentm

    Custom shortcuts:
      cgi-bin               /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables
      koappdata             /Users/trentm/Library/Application Support/Komodo
      pyinstall             /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6
      staging               /Users/trentm/Sites/staging
      www                   /Users/trentm/Sites

and switching to directories using those shortcuts:

    [~]$ go pyinstall
    [/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6]$ go www

Run `go --help` for full usage details or just [take a look at the
`go.py` script](go.py):

    $ go --help
    Quick directory changing.

        go <shortcut>[/sub/dir/path]    # change directories
                                        # same as "go -c ..."
        go -c|-o|-a|-d|-s ...           # cd, open, add, delete, set
        go --list [<pattern>]           # list matching shortcuts

        -h, --help                      print this help and exit
        -V, --version                   print verion info and exit

        -c, --cd <path>                 cd to shortcut path in shell
        -s, --set <shortcut> <dir>      set a shortcut to <dir>
        -a, --add-current <shortcut>    add shortcut to current directory
        -d, --delete <shortcut>         delete the named shortcut
        -o, --open <path>               open the given shortcut path in
                                        explorer (Windows only)
        -l, --list [<pattern>]          list current shortcuts

    Generally you have a set of directories that you commonly visit.
    Typing these paths in full can be a pain. This script allows one to
    define a set of directory shortcuts to be able to quickly change to
    them. For example, I could define 'ko' to represent
    "D:\trentm\main\Apps\Komodo-devel", then
        C:\> go ko
        C:\> go ko/test

    As well, you can always use some standard shortcuts, such as '~'
    (home) and '...' (up two dirs).

    See <http://trentm.com/projects/go/> for more information.

Change Log

### v1.2.1
- Fix the helper command line "setup" code to work with Python 2.4.

### v1.2.0
- Add support for "go FOO" falling back to changing to subdirectory
  "FOO" if there is no "FOO" shortcut. Patch from Phil Schwartz.

### v1.1.0
- Move to 'go-tool' Google Code project. (Couldn't use "go" because
  Google Code requires minimum 4 (or 3?) characters for a project
- Add automatic setup code to assist with setting up the shell
  integration drivers.

### v1.0.6
- Redo changes to 'function go' that were made in version 1.0.4 so
  that people without my own personal Bash definitions can actually
  use it.

### v1.0.5
- Fix bug where 'go' would fail to switch to a directory with spaces.

### v1.0.4
- Improve Bash 'function go' to fail more gracefully if 'go' is
  not found on the PATH.

### v1.0.3
- Correct information about the suggested Bash "go" function
  definition to avoid a user's possible "which" alias (some RedHat
  systems setup "alias which='type -p'") that can screw things up.

### v1.0.2
- Filter out the stupid FCNTL.py deprecation warning for usage with
  Python 2.3 on Windows.

### v1.0.1
- Ensure the installed 'go' script on non-Windows is executable.

### v1.0.0
- Change version attributes and semantics. Before: had a _version_
  tuple. After: __version__ is a string, __version_info__ is a tuple.

### v0.9.2:
- Fix install on Un*x: 'go' script wasn't in sdist to install

### v0.9.1:
- Find gow.cpp again and get gow.exe into dists to fix installation and
  DQSD integration on Windows.

### v0.9.0:
- Move hosting to trentm.com.
- Improve starter docs a little bit.

### v0.8.2:
- Ensure that "go SHORTCUT" switches to the correct drive on
  Windows when called in a subsystem:window environment (via the /D
- Drop the '-o' option added by the DQSD go.xml search. This means
  that openning the given path in the _shell_ is now the default, as
  it is for command line usage.

### v0.8.1:
- Remove a debugging statement in 0.8.0 that caused "go SHORTCUT"
  to fail from Dave's Quick Search Deskbar.
- Install go.py as 'go' in Linux, which executable bit set. Before
  this, getting go going was a real pain. It still is somewhat.

### v0.8.0:
- Improve Windows integration: errors are now shown in dialogs rather
  than lost on the non-existant console.
- Improve DQSD integration. The default action is not to open a shell
  to the stated directory. "go -o" can be used, as on the command
  line, to open a directory in Explorer.
- Fix bug introduced in 0.7.0 whereby using go's innocuous options
  (-h, -V) could result in a directory change from the last "go"
- Add explicit "-c" option for the default "change directories"
- Improve shortcut listing output.

### v0.7.0:
- Add an optional argument when listing (-l|--list) to be a pattern
  for existing shortcuts, e.g.:
      go -l foo  # lists all shortcuts with foo in them
- Add DQSD (Dave's Quick Search Deskbar) integration. After
  installation and a re-start of DQSD you should be able to jump to
  directory shortcuts via "go SHORTCUT[/SUBPATH]" in DQSD.

### v0.6.3:
- first public release