
Support Visual Studio 2022

Opened this issue · 8 comments


How about Visual Studio 2022 suport?

Thank you!

Yes! I've started a PR to include all of this project into the Visual Studio Tools for Unity.

That will include VS 2022 support and no longer require installing this separate extension.


Is there any update on this? And how will we be able to add this to our projects? (Visual Studio Installer?)

Working on getting it into VS 2022 as part of the Game development with Unity workload in the VS Installer

You likely already have this installed if you are using VS and Unity together. As soon as we have a release target I will update here.

Working on getting it into VS 2022 as part of the Game development with Unity workload in the VS Installer image

You likely already have this installed if you are using VS and Unity together. As soon as we have a release target I will update here.

hey john, big fan of your work. you made our life so easier and smoother I appreciate it.
after more than half of a month, still working on the VS2022 support? if you could bring it sooner you will save our neck quickly thanks man.

Thanks man. yeah, I'm using the tools but your works are not there yet.

Any update on this?

Any update on this?

I'm also interested to know what happened. VS 2022 currently just contains 2 Unity templates, one is monobehavhour and another is supposedly an Editor template, but it's actually a scriptable object with a menu item 🙂

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Assets
    public class NewEditorScript1 : ScriptableObject
        [MenuItem("Tools/MyTool/Do It in C#")]
        static void DoIt()
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("MyTool", "Do It in C# !", "OK", "");

how this mistake made it to main release is beyond me