
Python script and JSON files to check Wifi presence for Domoticz Home Automation application

Primary LanguagePython

###THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ######Thanks and credits go out to the below people on the Domoticz Forum, from which I generously borrowed most of their work:

###Purpose I wanted a way to let Domoticz know when a person in my household (defined by a mobile device) was inside or close by and trigger switches in Domoticz based on that. I found a couple of script doing this using SNMP on the Domoticz forums. However I have a couple of routers I need to look at as devices can switch between them and I do not want switches to go on and of each time. So I combined what suited me best from various scripts, added some additions of my own and wrote a little documentation.

So now this is a script fed by 2 input files (for router and mobile device details) running as a makeshift daemon checking SNMP details every x seconds.


Script : check_device_online.py
Initial version : SweetPants & Jan N
Version : 1.10.2
Date : 23-12-2014
Author : xKingx

Version       Date            Author    Major changes
1.0           31-10-2014      xKingx    Added sleep loop | Added sleep time input option
1.1           04-11-2014      xKingx    Added Domoticz host as an optional variable
1.2           05-11-2014      xKingx    Added option to device json file to turn on optional switch
1.3           06-11-2014      xKingx    Added option to search routers based on JSON input and removed ip option from command line input
1.4           19-11-2014      xKingx    Added community string to JSON SNMP device list and use it to read out router
1.5           20-11-2014      xKingx    Moved some stuff to functions for some more flexibility
1.6           20-11-2014      xKingx    Moved SNMP key variable to SNMP Router JSON file
1.7           20-11-2014      xKingx    Bug fixes
1.8           20-11-2014      xKingx    Prevent Idx_opt option in mobile JSON file from being mandatory, can be empty string
1.8.1         26-11-2014      xKingx    Temporary version with initial code for location detection
1.9           12-12-2014      xKingx    Location detection enabled with switching of "dummy" devices added
1.9.1         15-12-2014      xKingx    Fixed location detection switching as it did not work ok
1.10          16-12-2014      xKingx    Ignoring switch location and added input checks on router json file
1.10.1        19-12-2014      xKingx    Added some json input checks and cleaned up some code
1.10.2        23-12-2014      xKingx    Added some more json input checks and updated README
1.10.3        24-12-2016      xKingx    Fixed an issue with retrieving device details


  • Add option to ignore location switching if not used
  • Build in check for community string in SNMP version <3
  • General input validation on parameters received from command line and JSON files, router file done in v1.10
  • Look into way results of SNMP walk are gathered as I put a dirty counter hack in
  • Look at way to prevent devices that reconnect from triggering presence reporting
  • Add MAC intruder detections, i.e. a MAC not known in JSON input triggers Domoticz switch


  • Disclaimer

    • I have this script running for a couple of weeks already without issues. That being said I cannot guarentee that it will work in other situations and setups. Please take that into account when attempting to use this.
    • I am fine for anyone to use or modify this script as long as no money is made and the creators are mentioned.
  • Pre-requisits

    • This script is not compatible with python 3 (yet) and is tested on python 2.7
    • This scripts assumes you have a SNMP capable dd-wrt router. It's tested with various dd-wrt versions on various routers. To turn it on in the dd-wrt GUI go to "services" tab, enable SNMP, set it up like you want and hit "Save" and "Apply Settings"
    • To run on RPI with standard Domoticz image add these packages from a shell prompt : sudo apt-get install python snmp libsnmp-python
  • Configuration

    • check_device_online.py takes the following parameters:
     [-h]                         -> Display help
     [-v VERSION]                 -> SNMP version, default 2 
     [-c COMMUNITY]               -> SNMP v1/2 community string, default public 
     [-u SECNAME]                 -> SNMP v3 security name, default none 
     [-l SECLEVEL]                -> SNMP v3 security level, default AuthNoPriv, options NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, AuthPriv
     [-A AUTHPASSWORD]            -> SNMP v3 authentication password, default None
     [-a AUTHPROTOCOL]            -> SNMP v3 authentication protocol, default MD5, options MD5, SHA  
     [-X PRIVPASSWORD]            -> SNMP v3 private password, default None 
     [-x PRIVPROTOCOL]            -> SNMP v3 private protocol, default DES, options DES, 3DES, AES128 
     [-p PORT]                    -> SNMP UDP port, default 161 
     [-d DOMOTICZHOST]            -> ip and port of your Domoticz instalation
     -f JSONMACADDRESSFILE        -> Full path to file with mobile device information
     -r JSONSNMPROUTERSFILE       -> Full path to file with router information
     -s SLEEPTIME                 -> Amount of time in seconds between SNMP checks
     [--verbose]                  -> Output verbose information
    • snmp_routers.json follows this setup. Non mandatory parameters could be removed if required.
     ipaddress                    -> IP address of your router (mandatory, it's the key of the router to check precense against)
     "Vendor"                     -> Router vendor - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
     "Model"                      -> Router model - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
     "Purpose"                    -> Router purpose - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
     "Location"                   -> Router location - used to give location a meaningfull name, will be set to default if removed and not switched.
     "LocationIdx"                -> Router location Domoticz switch id - used to turn on/off location (dummy) switch in Domoticz, can be removed if not used 
     "CommunityString"            -> Router SNMP communitystring (mandatory, script will exit without it)
     "RequestString"              -> SNMP query string for value to be returned from router (mandatory, script will exit without it)
    • wifi_devices.json follows this setup. Non mandatory parameters could be removed if required.
      mobile mac address          -> MAC address of your mobile device (mandatory)
      "Vendor"                    -> Mobile device vendor - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
      "Type"                      -> Mobile device type - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
      "Model"                     -> Mobile device model - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
      "Owner"                     -> Mobile device owner - not used a.t.m. / can be removed if desired
      "Idx"                       -> Domoticz switch to turn on and off (mandatory, script will exit without it)
      "Idx_opt"                   -> Additional Domoticz switch to turn on and off, can be removed if desired


  • This script is scheduled through a crontab entry (if preferred through a wrapper script). My crontab entry for a script looks like this:

* * * * * /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/wifi_presence_check.sh

The contents of that script for me are:

python /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/wifi_presence_check.py -d <ip>:<port> -s 20 -f /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/wifi_devices.json -r /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/snmp_routers.json | tee -a /home/pi/domoticz/log/wifi_presence_check.log