Apple m1 qtsetup with error
vladimirschuka opened this issue · 6 comments
What do you think might be a problem?
running qtsetup everithing is good until qtsetup install darwin
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup prep'
WARN[0000] failed to create qtrcc symlink in your PATH (/sbin/qtrcc); please use /Users/home/go/bin/qtrcc instead
WARN[0000] failed to create qtmoc symlink in your PATH (/sbin/qtmoc); please use /Users/home/go/bin/qtmoc instead
WARN[0000] failed to create qtminimal symlink in your PATH (/sbin/qtminimal); please use /Users/home/go/bin/qtminimal instead
WARN[0000] failed to create qtdeploy symlink in your PATH (/sbin/qtdeploy); please use /Users/home/go/bin/qtdeploy instead
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup check darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false]
INFO[0000] GOOS: 'darwin'
INFO[0000] GOARCH: 'arm64'
INFO[0000] GOVERSION: 'go1.17'
INFO[0000] GOROOT: '/usr/local/go'
INFO[0000] GOPATH: '/Users/home/go'
INFO[0000] GOBIN: '/Users/home/go/bin'
INFO[0000] GOMOD: '/Users/home/Develop/Go/go-qt-example/examples/go.mod'
INFO[0000] QT_HASH: 'v0.0.0-20200904063919-c0c124a5770d'
INFO[0000] QT_API: ''
INFO[0000] QT_VERSION: * '5.15.2'
INFO[0000] QT_DIR: * '/Users/home/Qt'
INFO[0000] QT_STUB: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_DEBUG: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_WEBKIT: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_STATIC: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_GEN_GO: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_GEN_OPENGL: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_RESOURCES_BIG: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_NOT_CACHED: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_HOMEBREW: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_MACPORTS: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_NIX: 'false'
INFO[0000] QT_FELGO: 'false'
INFO[0000] XCODE_DIR: '/Applications/'
INFO[0000] QT_PKG_CONFIG: 'false'
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup generate darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false]
INFO[0002] generating full qt/core
INFO[0013] generating full qt/androidextras
INFO[0013] generating full qt/gui
INFO[0026] generating full qt/network
INFO[0030] generating full qt/xml
INFO[0031] generating full qt/dbus
INFO[0033] generating full qt/nfc
INFO[0034] generating full qt/script
INFO[0035] generating full qt/sensors
INFO[0038] generating full qt/positioning
INFO[0039] generating full qt/widgets
INFO[0068] generating full qt/sql
INFO[0070] generating full qt/macextras
INFO[0071] generating full qt/qml
INFO[0073] generating full qt/websockets
INFO[0074] generating full qt/xmlpatterns
INFO[0074] generating full qt/bluetooth
INFO[0076] generating full qt/webchannel
INFO[0077] generating full qt/svg
INFO[0078] generating full qt/multimedia
INFO[0087] generating full qt/quick
INFO[0090] generating full qt/help
INFO[0094] generating full qt/location
INFO[0095] generating full qt/scripttools
INFO[0095] generating full qt/uitools
INFO[0096] generating full qt/webengine
INFO[0098] generating full qt/testlib
INFO[0098] generating full qt/serialport
INFO[0099] generating full qt/serialbus
INFO[0100] generating full qt/printsupport
INFO[0102] generating full qt/designer
INFO[0105] generating full qt/scxml
INFO[0106] generating full qt/gamepad
INFO[0107] generating full qt/purchasing
INFO[0108] generating full qt/datavisualization [GPLv3]
INFO[0112] generating full qt/charts [GPLv3]
INFO[0119] generating full qt/virtualkeyboard [GPLv3]
INFO[0120] generating full qt/speech
INFO[0121] generating full qt/quickcontrols2
INFO[0121] generating full qt/sailfish
INFO[0121] generating full qt/webview
INFO[0121] generating full qt/remoteobjects
INFO[0124] running: 'qtsetup install darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false]
INFO[0124] installing full qt/core
core.cpp:10:3: error: ------------------------------------------------------------------
core.cpp:11:3: error: please run: '$(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup'
core.cpp:12:3: error: more info here:
core.cpp:13:3: error: ------------------------------------------------------------------
core.cpp:15:10: fatal error: 'QAbstractAnimation' file not found`
On linux everithing was good, but on Mac 11.5.2 (m1) for some reason isn't.
looks like understood what was a problem,
I use native go but inside qtsetup there is no native m1 tool qmake for example.
I'm right?
What happens if you simply run qtsetup
I am having the same issue on an M1 Pro macOS 12.0.1. Running qtsetup
does the same thing.
It looks like Qt doesn't yet support Apple Silicon in 5.1x. They have a preview for 6.2 only (ref: In the discussion there, someone mentioned they have a short term solution to get 5.15 working, and in other issues associated with this repo someone mentioned they can get it building against 5.15, if that helps. I can imagine that Qt being unable to fully support Apple Silicon is holding up a lot of projects (including one I was looking into that depending on this which depends on Qt)
brew install qt
does now install version 6.2+ btw
I have probably succeeded in creating a fix that will allow a successful qtsetup and build of the app on apple m1 in the repository I forked.