
Project ERROR: Could not resolve SDK Path for 'macosx'

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I'm trying to install it on macOS. I've tried with both brew qt5 and qt's official installer.

ERRO[0010] failed to run command cmd="/Users/alex/Qt5.8.0/5.8/clang_64/bin/qmake Users/alex/src/ -spec macx-clang CONFIG+=x86_64 CONFIG+=release" env= error="exit status 3" func=RunCmdOptional name="run qmake for darwin on darwin"

Project ERROR: Could not resolve SDK Path for 'macosx'
go version go1.8.1 darwin/amd64

I've followed all the instructions.

This may also be useful:

INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup prep'
INFO[0000] successfully created qtrcc symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtrcc)
INFO[0000] successfully created qtmoc symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtmoc)
INFO[0000] successfully created qtminimal symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtminimal)
INFO[0000] successfully created qtdeploy symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtdeploy)
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup check darwin' [docker=false]
INFO[0000] GOOS:                        'darwin'
INFO[0000] GOARCH:                      'amd64'
INFO[0000] GOVERSION:                   'go1.8.1'
INFO[0000] GOROOT:                   *  '/Users/alex/go/'
INFO[0000] GOPATH:                   *  '/Users/alex/'
INFO[0000] GOBIN:                       '/Users/alex/bin'
INFO[0000] QT_HASH:                     'bb6259c35dc7eb6907d01510eea6cfca5b1af3d2'
INFO[0000] QT_VERSION:                  '5.8.0'
INFO[0000] QT_VERSION_MAJOR:            '5.8'
INFO[0000] QT_DIR:                      '/Users/alex/Qt5.8.0'
INFO[0000] QT_STUB:                     'false'
INFO[0000] QT_DEBUG:                    'false'
INFO[0000] QT_QMAKE_DIR:                ''
INFO[0000] QT_WEBKIT:                   'false'
INFO[0000] QT_HOMEBREW:                 'false'
INFO[0000] XCODE_DIR:                   '/Applications/'
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup generate darwin' [docker=false]



Thanks for the infos :)

You are probably on an older macOS version or? With some older Xcode version? 7.x or something?

I found a few post that are probably related to your issue:
(This one suggests that you probably need to start Xcode once)

Sorry, forgot to mention that. 10.12 Sierra, Xcode 8.

I'll try that, thanks.

Mh, then it should work.
Maybe you really only need to start Xcode once to install the command line tools.

Or maybe try to run: xcode-select --install that will tell you if you need to install the tools, or if they are already installed.

Ok, that was an easy fix

Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools -> select SDK

Thanks :)

Great, thanks for letting me know :)