Redesign the front page
therungg opened this issue · 2 comments
therungg commented
The frontend should be fun to visit many times.
Right now, the front page is very minimal, as it was the first thing I ever built. I'd like to make it a bit more robust, and containing more info. I'm thinking about things like:
- Highlighting an interesting live run or uploaded run.
- Some news section
- Currently running tournament section
- Currently running races
- Links to your stats, livesplit key, recently visited/interesting pages etc.
- Twitter feed
And there's probably a ton of other ideas to go with. Any help, ideas, designs etc. are welcome!
Needed endpoints:
- Random interesting Live Run (summary, not much data)
no wrapper yet in frontend
- Top n interesting Live Runs
no wrapper yet in frontend
- Top games
- Recently played games TODO
- Upcoming/in progress races
- Upcoming/in progress tournaments TODO
- Most recent run stats by logged in user TODO
- Live run of current user
- Most recent pbs globally
- Remarkable recent runs (pb's with high attempt count. Sort of highlight) TODO
- Global leaderboards TODO
- Random patron spotlight
from src/components/patreon/use-patreons
- All patrons
RajivRnjan commented
I am interested to work on this issue under Quine. So please assign me this issue to me.
therungg commented
This is a very large and site-changing change, so I'd like to make designs and plans for this first