
Inconsistent number formatting for big numbers.

Xoneris opened this issue · 2 comments

There are a few places on the site where you come across numbers bigger then 1'000 and I believe for easier readibilty it would be nice if they would be formatted. There are some places where those numbers are formatted correctly. For example the Leaderboard of a game is formatted correctly. Just seems a bit inconsistent.

I already took a peak and for some numbers it's an easy fix implementing something like Intl.NumberFormat or toLocaleString() but there are a few instances where numbrs are already being formatted, which would require further formatting.

Places where this could be applied:

  • /games
  • /gametitle
    • category sub pages
  • /races
  • /races/stats
  • /profile

There might be more.

Thanks for calling this out! It's been on the long TODO list of things we want to improve!!

We have an intl library that we're using to ensure consistency for SSR and CSR —

i want to work on this issue...

I was intending on working on this, since I brought it up. But feel free to do it, I don't have a shortage of codeing project to work on haha.